My Year in Review: 2024

Ever feel like your life is a never-ending to-do list? Buckle up, because 2024 was a wild ride for me, a chaotic blend of ultra-marathons and business challenges. From pacing marathon runners in Bandung to conquering mountains in Bali, I'm still trying to figure out how I survived (and maybe even thrived!). Here's the story of my year, month by insane month:

January: New Beginnings and Feeling Thankful

January was the start of a crazy year. I'm so grateful I got the chance to interview for Pocari Sweat Pacer. I tried to show them that I'm a long-distance runner and really want to help other runners as a pacer. At Suitmedia, we were also very excited about our new talent development program. One of the best things was our new e-learning platform, Rocketversity. It's a place where our team can learn and grow.

2024 : Year of Ultra

February: Building Momentum, Inside and Out

February was about making new friends and growing sense of purpose. Meeting the other new pacers for the first time was awesome. We all shared the same excitement and a little bit of nervousness for what was coming. I'm also grateful that Suitmedia kept pushing our wellness program, SuitRun and SuitSports. We even worked with a wellness startup to make sure everyone was healthy, both physically and mentally. Plus, we got a new client, a global fitness brand! I'm so thankful they trusted us.

Siksorogo Lawu Ultra 2024

Siksorogo. Namanya saja sudah bikin bulu kuduk merinding! Gunung Lawu bukan trek biasa, lho. Tempat ini punya reputasi tersendiri—mistis dan menantang, siap menguji mental kita. Saya mendaftar untuk kategori 50K, jalur yang membawa kami melewati keindahan alam dari Sekipan hingga Kebun Teh Kemuning.

Satu hari sebelum race, saya mengambil race pack di Sekipan sore-sore. Saat itu, gerimis sudah mulai turun. Hmm, apakah itu pertanda? Mungkin saja. Dalam keraguan, saya hanya bisa berdoa supaya cuaca tidak semakin buruk. Eh, malam itu hujan semakin deras!

Pagi hari saat flag off, langit masih meneteskan gerimis tipis, seperti tamu tak diundang yang nekat hadir di pesta. Saya menarik napas dalam-dalam dan bersiap. Atau setidaknya, saya berpikir sudah siap.

Siksorogo Lawu Ultra 50K - 2024

Sekipan jadi titik start yang penuh harapan. Tempat ini dikenal sejuk dan nyaman sebagai area perkemahan. Dari sinilah kami mulai berjuang, menyusuri jalur yang dipenuhi pepohonan rindang.

Memasuki Cemoro Wayang, jalurnya berkelok-kelok di antara pepohon. Banyak yang bilang tempat ini penuh aura mistis, walaupun saya merasa biasa-biasa saja. Lalu, ketika melewati Mongkrang, pemandangan perkebunan teh yang spektakuler menyapa kami. Aroma segar daun teh menambah semangat para pelari.

Winning Isn't Comfortable

You know that feeling when your alarm goes off early in the morning? You’re snug in bed, and all you can think is how tempting it is to stay there. The hardest line to cross is the starting line. That first decision to get up and move is a battle against comfort and familiarity, but it’s where every journey begins. ⏰

Then there are those days when everything feels off. Picture lacing up your shoes to face relentless rain instead of the warm sun. If you don't hate running a little, you don't love running enough. It’s a great reminder that true passion means showing up no matter the conditions. Growth happens not when things are perfect but when we face adversity head-on. 🌧️