"Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart." –
Elizabeth Andrew
Sunday midnight, April 10, while I was packing my stuff for traveling to Pulau Tunda with some fellows from Komunitas Inspirasi Jelajah Pulau (KIJP) Batch 5, I got an email from Kelas Inspirasi Jakarta that I was selected as facilitator for their 5th program – #KIJKT5. Although it was my 9th participation in Kelas Inspirasi, it was my first time to be a facilitator, so I was very excited about it.
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Kelas Inspirasi Jakarta – May 2, 2016 – SDN Marunda 02 |
As facilitator, we need to stay "neutral" in the team discussion, while helping our team understand the common objectives and plan how to achieve those objectives through a well-prepared lesson plan. We also need to make sure that our team really understand about seven basic principles of our movement: voluntary, free of interest, free of financing, ready to learn, direct participation, hospitality, and sincerity.
Beberapa pembicara dan materi yang disampaikan di briefing Fasilitator #kijkt5 pic.twitter.com/n9IABgSTDj— Kelas Inspirasi JKT (@KI_Jakarta) April 16, 2016
Hai Relawan, sebelum briefing hari Minggu, 17 April 2016, mari mengingat 7 Prinsip dasar Kelas Inspirasi #KIJKT5 :) pic.twitter.com/4wosTs9I1n— Kelas Inspirasi JKT (@KI_Jakarta) April 14, 2016
Sunday morning, April 17, we met our team for the first time in the briefing day. Eventually I was assigned to help group #54, which consists of 3 facilitators, 35 inspirators, and 6 documentators. We were assigned to share our life experiences to the kids in SDN Marunda 02 (and SDS Terang Nusantara). It is located in northern Jakarta, 12 km from Port of Tanjung Priok. The elementary school itself consists of almost a thousand students, with 80s of them are kids with special needs. It is probably the biggest group ever in Kelas Inspirasi. However, we all were very excited.. Bring it on!!
Foto seluruh relawan #KIJKT5 . Sampai jumpa di hari inspirasi #MenujuKIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/7CGv67ZL9K— Kelas Inspirasi JKT (@KI_Jakarta) April 17, 2016
Thursday morning, April 21, some of our group members visited SDN Marunda 02 to get better understanding of the school situation and introduce ourselves to the headmaster and the teachers. It took 3-5 hours for us to get to the school because it was heavy raining since the night before and the traffic was so terrible. We had to drive in the road full of container trucks before we met those cheerful elementary kids in Marunda.
Momen keseruan beberapa kelompok #kijkt5 yang sudah melakukan survey sekolah, jgn lewatkan jajan di kantin ya? pic.twitter.com/8oJMBQbXDk— Kelas Inspirasi JKT (@KI_Jakarta) April 21, 2016
Around 11am, we arrived at the school. The headmaster and all teachers welcomed us excitedly and asked us to have lunch together. Apparently they already prepared some lunch dishes for us. The headmaster also shared about how SDN Marunda 02 was growing so rapidly. The school itself is located close to Marunda Flats, which is infamous as flats where Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahok, relocates people from areas that actually prohibited to live at, such as Kalijodo, Pasar Ikan, Luar Batang, etc. After Governor Ahok relocates all families to Marunda Flats, he gives all the kids Jakarta Health Card (KJS), Jakarta Smart Card (KJP), and free school bus transportation. The school bus operates from Marunda Flats to nearby schools including SDN Marunda 02.
The number of students in SDN Marunda 02 has been increasing since early 2016 because Governor Ahok started relocating people from several areas. Now it has almost a thousand students, so that the headmaster decided to have two shifts: morning classes and afternoon classes. It also gave us challenge in Kelas Inspirasi, because we need to teach those kids for both shifts from early morning to late afternoon. In addition, there is also SDS Terang Nusantara, a private elementary school that was just established less than a year and currently is borrowing two classrooms of SDN Marunda 02. So in total we have 30 classes to teach in a day. Yeah!
Tuesday evening, April 26, we gathered in Sudirman area to discuss about our detailed plan for Inspiration Day, May 2. We discussed many things from the rundown, class allocation, opening & closing ceremonies, to the detailed lesson plans from each inspirator.
Tim relawan Marunda 02 lagi serius bahas rundown ππ #KelasInspirasi #KIJKT5 @KI_Jakarta pic.twitter.com/hjFPXvCbGa— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) April 26, 2016
We even practiced the opening dance in the food court where we had meeting. Apparently the place was fully occupied by some Kelas Inspirasi groups :)
Relawan @KI_Jakarta - SDN 02 Marunda sedang berlatih opening dance di food court!! Semangat!! #KIJKT5 #MenujuKIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/T2ntLaCZBY— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) April 26, 2016
Inspiration Day
May 2 is the Indonesian National Education Day. It was also the day that around 1200 people volunteer in Kelas Inspirasi Jakarta. We went to Marunda very early in the morning. Some friends even arrived at school around 4.30am to avoid the traffic. We started morning briefing at 6am before joining Monday ceremony with all teachers and students at 6.30am.
— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 2, 2016
— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 2, 2016
After introducing ourselves in front of all students, inspirators entered the classrooms and started sharing about their profession and life experiences to the kids.
Pak Panca Heru memotivasi adik2 #SDNMarunda02 utk melakukan semua tugas dg penuh tanggung jawab @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/cCIDSzahxZ— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Pak @SeptianSS menjelaskan profesinya di dunia oil & gas ke adik2 #SDNMarunda02 @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/HfvBgYh2K0— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Pak Angga (@anggabigel) sdg storytelling sambil menjelaskan profesinya sbg scriptwriter @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/NXwW92RjTv— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Bu @KristyNelwan menjelaskan apa itu corpcomm, sambil uji kesabaran di depan adik2 #SDNMarunda02 @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/6lUrnEWOwU— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Bu Dea Claudia sdg mensimulasikan acara persidangan utk menjelaskan profesinya @KI_Jakarta #SDNMarunda02 #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/AdwsvaCY46— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Pak @RuriSuhada mengajak adik-adik #SDNMarunda02 untuk belajar berpikir inovatif πΈπͺ @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/QdTemKVjYV— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Bu @IsyanaBatubara "pemanasan" dulu sebelum berbagi tentang profesinya sbg producer π₯ @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/DCVesP9QJv— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Anak-anak #SDNMarunda02 antusias sekali diajar Bu @DeaAlbina tentang organisasi —@KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/5Pm6kfcASs— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Bu dokter @UtheLumbuun jadi inspirator favorit adik-adik #SDNMarunda02 @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/ynMxaPXejV— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Bu @SariraSaraswati menjelaskan profesinya dg bahasa yg dimengerti anak-anak #SDNMarunda02 @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/MDzrERwdo8— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Bu Lulu Anwar (@accountnyalulu) menggunakan storyboard utk menjelaskan profesinya sbg copywriter @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/0p1ylIzIZP— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Bu Lestari Budi (@sibudihebat) mengajak anak-anak untuk rajin menabung π°π° @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/85zKLggI0Y— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Bu Ratu Adhe Wazna berusaha menerangkan profesinya sbg psikolog klinis ke adik" #SDNMarunda02 @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/QSHWEuHvOl— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Pak Rozan Fauzan (@oojans) mengajak anak-anak #SDNMarunda02 utk rajin belajar @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/0m6MYvRBW5— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Bu @IndahKurniawaty sdg bagi kelompok di kelasnya kemarin di #SDNMarunda02 @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/iMd90vmjf5— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Bu @AcikMasfufah berusaha menjelaskan tentang underwriting dg gaya bahasa yg sederhana @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/Xp4U742OiE— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Bu Nanda (@ludie_fushshi) menerangkan peran arsitek dalam membangun rumah @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/8rVOXL5mS3— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Bu Emmy Junianti menjelaskan peran HR di perusahaan ke adik" #SDNMarunda02 @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/R6uSGvd9pI— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Pak Fuad (@akbar_dab) menerangkan profesinya sbg sutradara π₯ @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/py3OW9FhMb— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Pak Katon (@kat_aji) menjelaskan konsep bea cukai ke anak" #SDNMarunda02 @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/yijIIG38pK— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Bu Melisa (@sandrianti27) memotivasi anak-anak #SDNMarunda02 utk punya cita-cita yg tinggi @KI_Jakarta #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/VAeIzwdan5— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Mas @KhansaDwiputra berbagi tentang pengalamannya ikut @KI_Jakarta sbg relawan fotografer #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/PsnaXFkUdM— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Ini partner hebat saya sbg fasilitator @KI_Jakarta #SDNMarunda02 : Bu @TatiGaniarti & Bu @WahyuMurcahyati #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/c2l0ESSn2g— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
Terima kasih buat kolaborasi tim relawan #SDNMarunda02 yg luar biasa! Selamat hari pendidikan nasional! π #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/Yg5XoEKZCP— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 4, 2016
https://t.co/58i6I3nlet. Semangat @KI_Jakarta sampai hari ini masih melekat dan bikin ketagihan.— Nurhayati Pujiastuti (@NPastuti) May 4, 2016
We finished our Inspiration Day around 6.30pm. I'm so grateful that our group is blessed with 29 awesome inspirators with various professional backgrounds: Alyssa Dwiharti (accounting auditor), Andri Gunawan (importer), Angga Anwar (scriptwriter), Astri Puji Lestari (entrepreneur), Dea Albina (organization development), Dea Claudia (legal associate), Emmy Junianti (HR business partner), Fuad Akbar (film director), Indah Kurniawaty (R&D manager), Isyana Batubara (film producer), Katon Adji (customs officer), Kristy Nelwan (head of corporate communications), Kuspremati Berlinestri (production planning manager), Lestari Budi Utami (dealer treasury), Lulu Anwar (copywriter), Melisa Sandrianti (head of corporate communications), Mishella Saraswati (market researcher), Nanda Fushshi (architect), Nurhayati Pujiastuti (writer), Panca Heru Setiawan (public transport director), Ratu Adhe Wazna (clinical psychologist), Rina Budiyati (scientific communications), Rozan Fauzan (advertising account executive), Ruri Suhada (project assistant in embassy), Ruth Lumbuun (medical doctor), Sari Saraswati (organization development), Septian Setyoko (supervisor maintenance), Vernanda Mutiara (supply planner), and Yatimul Masfufah (underwriter). We were also supported by 6 awesome documentators: Ananda Abdi, Angela Farrel, Asela Astrelia, Devi Nasution, Hartanto Tan, and Khansa Dwiputra. And I'm super-blessed with 2 partners as facilitators: Tati Ganiarti and Wahyu Murcahyati. Overall it was a great team with amazing experience!
Sampai jumpa di kegiatan positif berikutnya!! Salam dari geng #Marunda54 @KI_Jakarta ππ #KIJKT5 pic.twitter.com/yGjVZwWqjg— Anggriawan Sugianto (@anggriawan) May 14, 2016
We really hope what we did in Marunda will always be remembered by those kids, so that they study hard and work hard to achieve their dreams.
"A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." – Proverbs 11:25
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