Let's get into the main point. If we want to develop Android-based application, at least we need to have:
- Android SDK and its components
- Eclipse
- ADT Plugin for Eclipse
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Android Robot |
We can download Android SDK at http://developer.android.com/sdk. Google provides Android SDK for 3 platforms: Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux. Just download it and extract the .zip or .tgz. After that, we can read the fine manual and start using AVD manager or "SDK Setup.exe" to perform online installation: download and install its components/packages, such as Android Platform, documentation, Google API, etc.
- Android SDK
- OSX: android-sdk_r17-macosx.zip
- Linux: android-sdk_r17-linux.tgz
- Win: installer_r17-windows.exe
Anyway, if we want to perform offline installation, we need to download it components manually. Actually, Google doesn't provide any hard link for those, but we can use folder http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/ and file http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml for reference. So, here it is a list of download link for some Android SDK components (for other version of API, check the xml file above).
- Android SDK Platform 2.2, revision 2
- SDK Documentation (Android 2.2, API 8, revision 1)
- Samples for SDK (Android 2.2, API 8, revision 1)
- USB Driver Package for Windows (revision 3)
- Market Licensing package
After that, we just need to extract those components in the correct folders. See the following structure (for example, if you extract the SDK in the C:\android)
Next, download the ADT Plugin for Eclipse manually (for offline installation) from http://dl.google.com/android/ADT-0.9.7.zip (for version 0.9.7) and read the fine manual how to use it in Eclipse. In the end, take a look at HelloWorld application to see if your installation works perfectly. Happy coding! ;)android/|-- add-ons/|-- google_apis-8_r02/|-- docs/|-- images/|-- libs/|-- samples/|-- docs/|-- platforms/|-- android-2.2_r02-windows/|-- data/|-- images/|-- skins/|-- templates/|-- tools/|-- android.jar|-- samples|-- tools|-- usb_driver|-- amd64|-- i386|-- SDK Setup.exe