Start With Why

People don't buy what you do; people buy why you do it.

Dalam sebuah TED Talk, Simon Sinek mempresentasikan ide sederhananya, bahwa untuk menghasilkan dampak yang besar, segala sesuatu itu harus dimulai dari "mengapa". Ide ini ia modelkan dalam sebuah golden circle: Why - How - What.

Golden Circle: Why - How - What

Kebanyakan dari kita bertindak, dari luar (what, how) ke dalam (why). Hal ini membuat kita berfokus pada hasil atau proses saja, tanpa mempedulikan alasan mengapa kita mengerjakan sesuatu. Adapun kita bisa bertindak dengan arah sebaliknya, dari dalam (why) ke luar (how, what). Pikirkan dulu mengapa kita perlu mengerjakan sesuatu, baru kemudian fokus tentang bagaimana proses dan hasilnya.

Personal Productivity Empowerment

Last month, I was invited by the HR department of my workplace to attend a series of seminars titled "Personal Productivity Empowerment." The series comprised three topics: interpersonal skills, time management, and creativity. Each topic was covered over the course of one workday. Yes, it did consume a considerable amount of my work time. However, despite ultimately leading to overtime hours to catch up on pending tasks, seminars like these are undoubtedly worthwhile as they offer fresh perspectives. In this brief write-up, I'll share some key points that still resonate with me from the seminar:

Day 1 - Winning with People

"Any dream I can achieve without the help of others is too small." - John C. Maxwell

Success = Knowledge + Selling Skills + People Skills + Proper Attitude

  • Knowledge: Specific knowledge about our field of work
  • Selling Skills: Ability to sell products/services/ideas to others
  • People Skills: Ability to interact with others
  • Proper Attitude: Professional attitude towards work